Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more Ph.D Admission January 2022 Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more Ph.D Admission January 2022 Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

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Placement Process:
Process Driven Placement System – We are trying to develop our placement system as swift as possible for students and companies. The life cycle of the placement process is likely to be as follow:
We shall contact companies about 3-4 months ahead of the placement schedule.
We shall request companies to provide us with the necessary data through a job announcement form.
We shall scrutinise the requirements and then send a formal invitation to the companies.
We shall fix a mutually convenient date and time for the presentation & selection process.
We shall announce the visit along with the details provided by the company in the announcement form to the students.
We shall ask eligible students who are interested in the job to apply for the job a week before the visit.
We shall provide essential details of applicants to the company.
We shall request company to re-confirms travel plan a week before the allocated visit date.
We shall book accommodation for company at the guesthouse within the campus.
We shall book a presentation hall and a student volunteer shall be allocated to take care of the logistics on campus.
We shall announce the list of selected candidates once the company finalises it and declares the same.
We shall get the students sign the offer letter and a copy shall be forwarded to the company.
We shall get a team of dedicated placement committee volunteers work to ensure simpler logistics and all other related issues regarding campus placements.
Following norms regarding the Placement Procedure are proposed which are required to be followed for Batch 2014-18 [B.Tech Engineering] batch onwards:
- Registration: All the students willing to avail the placement facilities are needed to register with the T&P Cell at the time of finishing their pre-final year in the prescribed performa time to time.
- If after registration the student is not interested for placement through campus interviews or through T&P Cell office then he/she is required to inform his/her unwillingness to T&P Cell immediately in writing.
- Notice of CAMPUS INTERVIEWS will be displayed / conveyed to the students through Notice Board of T&P Cell, Students Coordinators and vide Group EMAIL to batch students.
- As far as possible T&P Cell shall plan the visits of the companies before commencement of the final semester & the dates agreed upon between the company and the institute shall be displayed to the students, so that the students can have the option to decide to apply for the company of their choice.
- The students who would like to apply to a particular Company / Organization visiting for campus interviews will be required to indicate their willingness to the T&P Cell. The students will sign the campus interview sheet which shall be circulated with willingness indicated [i.e. Interested/Not Interested, which shall be made available to student coordinator] for attending campus interviews. However if any query or miscommunication is there on the part of student, such student[s] can directly approach the T&P CELL office.
- Once the willingness is indicated for a particular company, it will be obligatory on the part of the student to attend Pre Placement Presentation or Pre-Placement Talk of the Company. Failure to do this the concerned student shall be debarred from attending selection process for one company coming next for campus in which he/she is eligible to appear. After the presentation or talk given by the company the student may decide weather to attend screening processes of the Campus Interviews like (1) Written Tests (2) Preliminary Interviews etc. or not. Once a student decides to attend further process after PPT, it is obligatory on the part of the student to attend various steps of total selection process.
- Companies should be requested to release the letter of appointment/offer directly to student concerned with a copy to T&P CELL for records. However this should not be treated as compulsion for companies visiting for final placements
- After accepting a job offer, if the student decides to withdraw his / her acceptance any time during the year, he / she must inform the company concerned directly with a copy to T&P Cell
- Till joining the job, if any correspondence with company is made, then the appointed student should do it through T&P Cell office only
- Further processing of placement for student[s] will be stopped if a company’s offer or confirmation of selection is received from an organization irrespective of its being accepted or not accepted by the student.
- If the student is going for higher studies and ensures his/her admission for higher studies then the student will inform the details to T&P Cell Office immediately.
- Selections done by defense services (IAF, Indian Navy and Indian Army), by visit to the institute will not fall into the category of short listing.
- T&P Cell will not maintain records or enter into correspondence about recruitments done directly by organizations in response to advertisements in the news papers / employment news or any other agency.
- In case of dispute / doubt about the interpretation of any clause mentioned in the policy document, the decision of Head of Institute shall be final in any individual case.
- If any departure is to be done in the above policy due to any unforeseen or genuine reasons or allotting of dream status to any company, the decision in this respect taken by the Vice Chancellor shall be final.
“APTITUDE“ is something very important especially for students who are pursing professional degree or diploma. ICT feels “Aptitude is not knowledge or skills that one has learned over the years, it’s a “natural talent” that someone posses.” However, it can be explored and developed within by us and that can be achieved by understanding and practicing the concepts of aptitude.
An individual with good aptitude skills are considered better than others because they are fast at their mind and good at problem solving skills. Thus aptitude skill building has become the most important soft skill these days.
The Need:
The statistics reveal that 70 percent of world’s recruitment companies use aptitude test as a part of their recruitment procedure. These types of tests often permit potential companies to learn more about candidate’s personality and abilities. This is really significant as the recruitment is not all about what one needs or what one wants, or how they prepare for interviews. Employers wish to be certain that they are going to recruit the right individual who is able to work with company’s clients and build up a reputation.
Recruiters will put to use several methods to sort out and do away with persons from the selection procedure. Conventionally, covering letters or CVs are utilized, but firms often get hundreds of job applications for every job vacancy. So, aptitude tests are cost-effective and simple ways for sorting out candidates to select right individuals. Beforehand preparation is very important, as saying goes ‘practice makes a man perfect’.
“Planning is half the battle won”
By offering aptitute skill building and pool of audit courses for first two years the soft skills can be explored and developed within by an individual by understanding and practicing the concepts of aptitude.
Few of the topics which are very important in any aptitude test are as :
- Time, Speed and distance (including boats and streams)
- Time and work (including pipe and cistern)
- Probability
- Permutation and combination
- Ration and proportions
- Allegations and mixtures
- Percentages
- Algebra (Problem on ages)
- Number systems
- Averages
- Data interpretation
- Profit and loss
- Mensuration
Aptitude test without these topics is incomplete and not possible at all. So, hope this helps you to enhance your aptitude skills.
Placement Report
Placement Report 2021 | Click Here |
Placement Report 2020 | Click Here |
Placement Report 2019 | Click Here |